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OUR COMMITMENT: to Provide You with solid Information and proven Solutions You can Depend Upon and make Available to You: the Information Necessary to Help You become a Confident, Capable and Well Equipped Administrative "Warrior".

REMEMBER: Simon (aka Spaniard) actually worked in Banking. Simon has twenty years Banking and Finance Industry Experience and has been using Administrative techniques since 2007/2008. In that respect Simon is unique because he has extensive hands-on experience both sides of the VEIL. 

Simon has extensive experience in "loan" facilities, unsecured and secured, he was a Certified Mortgage Specialist CeMAP qualified, he holds an Advanced Diploma in Business Management, he was a Qualified Financial Advisor, and has managed the Debt Recovery function within the Banks, even writing Debt Recovery Policy for one major lender.  To our knowledge, no other teacher within the Truth Movement can boast such experience.

You no-doubt expect us to honour OUR COMMITMENT. In return we expect You to READ the Instructions and or Guidance, We Publish - and honour Our House Rules (aka Site "Terms"). We also expect You to have the desire to learn, for as the old saying goes: "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."

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  • You’ll get access to the ‘Insiders Privileged Content'. This information is for your private use only and is not to be shared with Outsiders under any circumstances!
  • You’ll also get access to selected show transcripts, the White Rabbit Experience back-catalogue and previously unseen videos, plus...
  • You'll receive access to the Council Tax series, and the beginners Commercial Lien presentation.
  • You'll also receive exclusive access to the Community Trust pages, which include, among other things, tips and guidance for becoming self sufficient.


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  • You'll also be invited to special events which are only available to Insiders and Jedii Academy members, for example: the Seminar in the Woods.
  • We don't interact with those on the Outside. So don't be left on the Outside! Join Insiders today and get on the inside-track! Registration (subject to compliance with our terms) requires a monthly £5.00 donation - discounted down from the usual £10 per month / £120.00 per annum (for a short time only). In other words: join today and you pay £5.00 per month for access to the Insiders.
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Here's a random selection from the thousands of testimonials Simon (aka TheSpaniard) has received since 2010:

I listen daily to your videos, pieces of gold, absolutely love them and i think you are so knowledgeable and would like to work with you. Corina

"I reached out to Simon for some help on a one-to-one basis with a Repossession claim on my leasehold home, that the bank were making with regards to a 'breach of contract'. I had tried many other avenues for advice but hadn't had any success, and Simon was gracious enough to find the time to talk to me with only a few days to spare until the hearing!  With Simon's guidance we were able to formulate a plan that would call into question the original judgement on which the hearing was based, and therefore give grounds to have the repossession hearing adjourned. Simon gave great advice on the correct process to make these requests, with hints and tips along the way, and armed with this knowledge I was able to go with confidence to the hearing and secure an agreement with the judge that the hearing would be "adjourned generally" (no new date set) whilst I challenge the original judgement.  It was such a comfort to have a powerhouse of knowledge 'in the wings' as backup, as navigating the corrupt system we find ourselves in is not easy, simple, nor straightforward for the layperson, which is by design of course.
Although I still have a battle ahead with my issue, I can now do so from a position of far greater security, and with the confidence that guidance is on hand if I need it. Thankyou Simon for all that you've done, and continue to do to help others.  May the force be with us all!
" Leah

Simon saved my life and because of the road he set me on I have become awesome. Lawrence D.

Thanks for all your work. It is top notch. Having watched Welcome to the Rabbit Hole, I can see where the likes of Peter Wilson, Pete Stone, and others have used this in far less detailed work. Mark W. 

You inspired me to learn in the beginning you're amazingÂ đŸ€©Â Â Yassim C.

Simon is somewhat of a genius .. I came across Simon quite a few years ago but I lost touch with him. Back in those days I knew him as the White Rabbit. I'm so glad I checked out your Facebook page and rediscovered videos of him. Peter B. 

Half way through, thank god for this information, its priceless. Mark 

Hey Simon. Can I just say that your videos helped me out of really tight spot a number of years ago. When my ex screwed me over and unbeknown to me ran up thousand of pounds of debt in my name a number of companies were left dumbfounded when I asked them to produce a contract between me and them with my wet signature. Long story short they wrote it off in the end. Nathan 

You're a good guy Simon, ... if anyone has the skill set and spuds to expose these sorts of predators then it's you, big love and respect x Mark C.

Simon, I can't believe the hours that must have gone into this stuff. I take my hat off to you guys for putting it all together. Geo 

I didn’t expect a great deal of stuff on the case progress and background ...  I opened the stuff you sent over and thought WOW! The hours and hours compiling this info in itself never mind structuring it all. 
BravoÂ đŸ‘đŸ»Â I don’t know if anyone appreciates the hours and hours of work it must have taken. Honestly, fair playÂ đŸ™ŒđŸ»Â George M.


If you wish to see more, visit the Articles/Videos tab and scroll down to "Testimonials".


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