
Feb 26, 2020

What Are People Saying?

We have received thousands of messages of thanks and gratitude. Don’t just take it from us; check out what people are saying about the site, our strategies and our research [we've even included some of the amusing messages we receive]:


I just wanted to say what an incredible site you’ve made. Hopefully my thanks is expressed in purchasing your courses and the fact that I’m utterly hooked on the incredible content you’ve made. So thank you for letting me be a part of it and learn everything!! Thomas R.

Divine Gratitude sent from the river for all that you do πŸ™πŸ’• 


Perfectly executed. Great lesson. Thank you. M

Lmfao Simon u cunny funt, Be lucky Sparky

That was amazing informationπŸ‘πŸ½ keep it up brotherπŸ‘ŒπŸ½
Hardeep aka Sid xx

thanks very much guys, great webinar. brilliant humour and great acting, would loved to have seen mark in the police jacket questioning the jail victim.... hahaha take care.... Stephen V.

Spaniard is the wrong title, you are a real Robin Hood..  Well done... and thank you so much for opening our eyes, to the Real.. xxx Sue

Thank you for the live talk I really enjoyed it. With best wishes. Peta

Awesome post.....I've never seen this expressed that way. Thanks guys masterful !! MP

Big thanks amigos, that was a great presentation - me and synchro are with you all the way. Dr Rock.

Well even though that took me a week to get my ass into gear... i'm IN! And excited! I work with energy and as soon as my membership payment went through an energy ran through me and everything around me looked brighter. Just thought i'd share that! Obviously such empowerment you are sharing - i totally felt it. Thanks! Anya x

Wow truly brilliant post..... Mark P.

Have to say Si I think its really good of you to put together the YouTube presentation of how folks can get their money back. Nice one! :)  Xx HC

Thank you for keeping us updated Si and massive thank you to you and to Mark. My experience of working with you both has been excellent. I have found you to be are professional, reliable and hard-working. I have complete faith in you. Thank you again! SC

Wanted to say, love all your videos. So simple to understand. Michael B.

I think you're doing a stella job x AS

I watched this seminar 3 times, brilliant!!! RP.

Just awesome! JM.

The content from this channel is light years ahead of others and gives me great hope for what’s coming our way. You have a great ability to explain things in a way others can’t, my hat is tipped to you both. Thank you πŸ™πŸΌ XXX.YYY.ZZZ (You Tube)

For what its worth a HUGE thumbs up!!!

Inspirational, would that we all could/would find our place on this planet. Henry M.

Thanks Guys, you are brilliant... Robert W.

Thank you so glad i found this site. Jules W.

Learning a lot and having a good laugh, two for one. Michael F.

Great presentation; vibing on that - you-da-man, thanks. Ian D

Blew my mind, already had a small idea,of what the banks did. But this completely put it into perspective. Thanks so much Si. G.D

Genius, nice credit at the end, he who laughs last laughs the loudest.

Mate, since enrolling, I’ve laughed, cried, and got angry trying to transmute these motions from the wisdom you are giving, an absolute eye opener. I just never thought people like you existed but glad you do.  Kind Regards, Derek H.

Simple, brilliant. Love it. David T.

Thank you both for explaining the mysterious, recalling the older teachings and pulling both together with new information to make a recognisable pathway to the Kingdom of God. Anne C.

Thanks to you white rabbit I’m with Simone, I trust you impeccably, I have heard nothing but good things about you so I’m definitely with you two. Please tell Simone dust herself down and don’t let the devil take your smile  regards Izzy x

Fair play Si. You certainly are the master ninja. Susan B.

Hi Si, Thanks for the great content and I'm learning lots. You have a natural ability to explain things in layman's terms which increases my knowledge...my heartfelt thanks. Regards, O.D.

Fair play Simon & Mark.

It’s a nest of vipers at times this “truth” & “awakened” movement. However, the more I see of how you conduct yourselves compared to the others the more you both appear to stand apart as men of integrity. Keep fighting the good fight. Sam J.

Hiya Spaniard. I’m so glad your on this All those poor folks falling for his B/S It’s emotionally draining enough to have the banks exploit us but to know S***p is giving false hope to families and putting you in the mix is disgusting. You worked so hard to challenge and expose the banks for misuse of POA on mortgages its just not right . 

Please look after yourself and although it’s difficult circumstances you find yourself in. It’s great to see you back on utube.  Catherine 

Very clear, concise and easily understandable, thank you. Jean x

Hola Simon and Mark,
You have done a great job of exposing this charismatic persuader. Its clear which of 
you is telling porkies, and the more he protests the sillier he looks. Thank  you on behalf of all the desperate souls who might otherwise have been harmed by his false promises. I look forward to seeing the new website. xx Anne

Astounding. Most knowledge able and beneficial site on the Web. Imo. So glad for the confidence and info received so far. Wish I learned this shit 30 Yr ago. How much better things would be for all. I esp get the bits about ppl not wanting to help themselves. Guess they just ain't ready yet. Superb work folks. VC

I listen to the courses in the car on the way to take my boys to school - their fav Simon quote is from the A4V course, "just sign the bloody thing" hahahaha. (9 yrs. and 7 yrs. so they get a kick out of it, we allow colorful language in the car within reason) Kristi (USA).

"Hey Si, Thank you so much for taking the time to get back to me, it is very much appreciated.  You have given me so many idea's as how to play this and I'm very much looking forward to getting some experience in dealing with these issues.  I'm not up to the court of record section in the Jedi Academy yet, but have studied Bill Thornton's info ... Just to give you some feedback with regard to the Jedi Academy, I'm fucking loving it and don't know why i didn't sign up much earlier.  I always thought i could do the research myself, but unfortunately I just don't have the time to read and research as much as I would like due to work commitments.  The beauty of what you have provided is that it saves people like me the time to have to do the work and research that you have done, and provide those golden nuggets of information.  Thank you again for gifting me your time and I will let you know how I get on.  Kindest regards" Mick K

Let me express my thanks to you Si for the amount of time and effort you've put in over the years. When I first saw you on YT all those years ago, I tuned in for the comedy element.
There is no money.
Everyone is paying in promises.
Banks do not lend anything.
Money is created out of thin air.
Your name is a business name.
You can manage your own Person. 
This guy's nuts, but it'll be some light relief.
It's now 2020 (is it?)
Well, you wiped the smile off of my face.
You were bang on, then, and nothing has changed.
A4V...Court of Record... and on it goes.
Incredibly powerful tools; Tools that have helped a lot of folks claim back their stolen life energy.
I have a very high regard for all you've done, Si.
Just using the correct word, let alone words, when dealing with a so called "authority" makes them behave in a completely different way towards you.
I and many others would never have heard of this, any of it,  if it wasn't for your diligence, stubbornness and your refusal to back down..
One of the biggest things that you teach is the Spiritual and Temporal aspects of it all. So important...so important.
I would say don't stop, but once you start down this road, there is no stopping. 
You wouldn't stop if you were loaded...it's so bloody interesting!!!
The majority have no interest in it and that leaves me baffled.
"Money" is such a huge part of folks lives you would think they would be interested.
Now that, to me, is nuts... Keep on trucking Si.
Warmest regards mate,

Simon Goldberg saved my life and because of the path he set me on I have become awesome. Laurence D

Thankyou Simon for your generosity of time and patience . Great day and I'm sure we could have discussed it all night. 

Cheryl x

Hi Simon 

Many thanks for the e- mail thankyou for the truisms about life - excellently put .

kind regards and big love back to you all 

Paul C.

Hi Si and Mark, 

Just a quick note to thank you for putting on the day yesterday, I got loads from it and the way you were explaining the prepaid element because of the administration, that was genius!  

Thanks again, have a great day 

Ian W.

yes, you do have a lot of fight in you! :-) Thank you. Adam W.

Dear Simon, 
Loving the website and like your style. Well done for exposing hypocrisy out there.
.... Keep up the amazing work, gratitude, respect and love,
Heidi M

Amazing! Thank you so much Si πŸ˜ Gary T


best video call i have seen for along time, love it, so would you say we still need to do certified accounts??  Cleveland R

Brilliant explanation. Thanks so much. Angela C

Hola Si. 
I hope you are well. 
Thank you soooo much for making my girls day yesterday. They were super happy to see their pictures on Jedii interactive, to that extent Tamara shared happy tears. LOL!!!!! Massive thank you to Patrick for sharing super delicious melon with us and Mark for being patient with Tania chasing  poor Max. πŸ™ˆ

Also special thank you to Macenzie for sharing his amazing knowledge with us and playing with my little one, she absolutely adores him! Tania said Macenzie has super amazing energy so we had to watch his video on his website over and over again. LOL!!! 

Thank you guys, you are the best!!!
Big love to you all from all of us. πŸ™πŸ™Œ
PS. You have no idea what you have started with this drawing pictures contest!? πŸ™ˆ LOL!

Alice A 

Ive been watching YAYC jedii. Down the rabit hole... πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
OMG. Your knowledge is jaw dropping.
Seriously I've read a bit of stuff but wow. The history and more.
How long you been at it? All fantastic. Joanne J

Masterful! D.

I agree with Connor, this is an excellent module. Thanks Si. Sinead C

 Great advice .... Absolutely fantastic. Took me to another level
πŸ’ž Thank you Joanne D.


I don't think I have ever been so interested in a subject until I came across your courses. Perhaps it is because I was an Independent Financial Adviser some years ago and had all of the advanced qualifications but I find all the material that I have been reading almost compulsive. My family haven't seen me since I began absorbing your data. This work must have taken you years and years to bring together and its a pleasure to study it. Thanks again for such interesting material. 

Alan H

Superb, Si.. & Hilarious.[ re MoB]

Reminds me of “Killing them (him) Softly!” 

The question is: Why is MoB….., tussling with you, in deep water, when clearly, he’s out of his depth…… Loved the application of Talking Heads music to the clip. 

Can’t wait for his response…, if any…? 
Best wishes
Mike G

I loved the basic training - it was superb. Specifically - I loved the idea of
a 3rd man - it makes sooo much sense.
You seemed to hint that you took on cases (that might be a dated comment
on an old video). If you do, what do you charge to do this Simon?
I am considering doing the masterclass but its difficult as I wanted to do the
mortgage thingy, the gold thingy first lol !
Thanks again for a great set of videos.

I am overjoyed. 1000 times thank you
Kathrin S.

I don't think it can be underestimated how much good you have done in this corrupt world. Have a wonderful day. Love and respect.  


Thank you for all the hard work you do and continue doing. Steve M.

Si, I love your work ... Danny

Hi Simon, Thank you! You are a Legend! Ambia A

hi, Thanks so much for your incredible course I am loving it. i would like to buy two more courses and wondered if you could please point me in the right direction.... Big thank you Warm wishes Arabella

Love this glorious Spaniard man who has spectacular balls of steel when calling out these grifters ! There’s a special place in hell for those who choose to spread misinformation and even worse - knowingly giving out disinformation.  It’s our responsibility to call these bastard pirates out for who they truly are !!

P.s. Your choice of music and ability to know which one suits best, that accompany these videos is like the icing on a chocolate cake

One Wise Lady. Australia

Before you roll your eyes thinking I am wasting your time, I'll tell you why it has now become possible all of the above in this 1-minute video
I trust it will help you realize the impact you are having in people's life. 

Hi Simon, my friend Kat is absolutely thrilled with what you have done for her.
I have recommended you to so many people but she is one of the few who believed what I told them about you, or have bothered to give me any feedback.
And it still took her six months to follow it up!
Thank you for everything , including your patience.
Lots of love Maya xxxx 

This is wonderful! Frances

Thanks for the reply Si, much appreciated! I'm glad to have you educating me on this stuff. Gary

Thanks again for all the information Simon. Great work as always. Take care 

Worked perfectly, I done a test of three letters. Cheers, amazing site Simon and Mark. Thank you. Daniel

Thanks Si, Great webinar - I’m glad I became Jedi.

Hi Simon
Maxim  you should know with who you do business with
I have had the pleasure of watching you from when you first appeared
Whereas you hardly know me. 
Thanks for the webinar last week I really appreciate the effort 

I must say you have got a great sense of humour. David

Thank you I totally get that lesson. Thank you so much. Carol

By the way: I love your work. You’re a credit to human kind. 

holaaaa brothers over the pond =) thank you so much, for your courage and selfless generosity from your whole team , it will save us. cheers Bruce 

Man, you’re a ledge as ever! Cheers Paul

Hi Simon  AKA the Spaniard, 

Just watched your latest UT video.  Wanted to say thankyou for actually sticking your head above the parapet and actually giving some very good advice on some kind of plan under current circumstances. 
It's what we need !!
All you see everywhere is more fear pushing even from the UT channels with no sign of any direction.

I'm on the same thought process as you are and starting to plan ahead for various outcomes. I've been looking at your site , not as much as I would like ..  I will be contributing very soon on one of the many classes. I live in the stoke area.  If your ever in these parts your welcome here my friend.

Deano  x

Amazing! .... I just want to say that thank F@*k there is someone out there who wants and is giving the sort of education I believe should be given. It was suggested to me at the end of last year that after what I have been through I had a lot to offer as far as educating people in the real world of finances - but nothing like you have and it has taken me six months to find you. I turned down many courses that said they wanted to educate people financially and then their materials were not the kind of education I KNOW people need. From what have heard you are the real deal!



Hi Si, 

you are a genius!

We sent the letter yesterday recorded delivery 

Today: Email from the supplier. Case closed with immediate effect, all o/s matters credited in full.

Ian W.


Hi Si, Just finished watching your videos “protect the equity in your property”, which led me to watching the “making the system work for you“ and “The birth certificate & the Bond” Brilliant and Enlightening! 

Craig C 

Thank you for all the enlightening information on your channel, sincerely. Your purpose in life is clear to see and you are truly inspirational. Words can’t express my gratitude for impact your knowledge has had on my being Ya M

Hi, El Spaniardo, 

Firstly I have got to thank you for your youtube vids - I'm am hooked. I think and question companies in the same way you do Brill. Nicky S

Hi Spaniard 
I've been watching your videos with great gusto. I for one have known for years, that, through no fault of our own, we have all been looking the other way whilst they've been sneaking up and shafting us from behind. JamieMac

hola elspaniardo,

I am mindful of your time, want to share your work with family and friends, anything to help you multiply your bunnies Allan G

big love to you and yours. John McG

Thanks you kindly for this awesome resource! MP

Hi Jedi Academy

The Darkside beckons but my resolve is undeterred ....
Awaiting info on further training...:-) Baz

Ola, I felt compelled to respond to the video "TFI Bunnies 002". That was truly fantastic. you manage to put into words what I have known for years in my head but just cant dig out and make sense of. I believe the word is spreading and the truth is getting out there and it is because of people like you. I will correct you on one thing though, you have children, thousands of them. Its up to the bunnies to teach them. ;0), Keep up the good work. Looking forward to meeting you.

Phil B

Hi there, 
Firstly, love your work. I’m a pommie and I’m based in sunny Sydney, Australia (actually, it’s raining as I type this) and have been watching a number of your vids on YouTube – very informative. Phil and Geta D.

thank you for the info you share in your videos, they’ve helped me no end, cheers Kel xx

hi, i have been watching your videos and i think they are amazing i am very shocked. i have been following your videos for months now and everyone just gets better and better.


Love the show stay well
Kester CB

Awesome find Simon … Wishing you the very best with all your work and with my gratitude to your hard work and endeavours. 
Mick K.

Love it.
Rhys J.

Dear Simon,
I am finding the Jedi Academy very good; its obvious you have worked hard to make it appealing as well as instructive. Thank you
Anne H.

Hey man, just going through the X-Files … so far so good, brilliant info mate, love learning all this. Stephen V.

I have been following using Simon's advice for 5 years now. I've bought his DVDs which were golden, watched every youtube video and seen every facebook post (you would think I am stalking haha) but his information, research and work has been superb.

I have so far taken approx 12k from barclays by charging the company for their errors and my time.

I have reduced every phone, tv and contractual bill down to less than £10 a month through genuine complaints of service.

I have had claw backs going past 10k.

I have cleared 9k of debt.

I am still going and still using it! And rightly so, everything is a right that we should all make use of! And i have learnt many laws along the way that you may never have found if it wasn't for these guys digging it up and giving it to us all! Thanks guys - Legends!

Jordan L. 

greetings spaniard, I was at your gathering at the Spread Eagle on the 9th with jax, Ray and shaman.  

My mind hasn't stopped exploding with the game, nothing looks the same and I thank you.

Brother to brother,
Friend to friend,
may the cosmos take you far and wide

Chris 'Iggy' D

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant, thank you so much for the advice and info`, i'm sure i can make this work. 
Steve J

mate i love it, you're hardcore in the wilderness

Rabbit .. I saw your video on MBNA , and was impressed as well learned some good info and past that video on to a group of montage rabbit trail chasers.

Cheers Vee V

Dear Superstar,

Namaste, in lakesh etc lets get the formalities out of the way.
You probably don't remember me, I'm the nutter in Cyprus. I had the pleasure of chatting with you in what seems a couple of years ago. I hope you are well.
I just had an idea, not sure the best way to get it out there - maybe you have the networks and contacts.
The BIG problem is the disassociation between 'us' and the guys with sticks.
Can't we just get everyone to walk up to coppers and ask for the time, simple directions etc and then thank them profusely after?
Think about that for a few mins. 
In 2 weeks, a bobby has helped 200 people and all of them, thanked, hugged and kissed him..... less chance of storming a barricade with teargas surely?
Know you are busy but there is a line from a movie that says 'embrace, embrace, embrace'
Love and hugs Si, Keep up the good work.
Keith A.

YOU MR.........are a proper star  ;0)  cheers

Scott W.

Si, just wanted to drop you an email in thanks for your excellent presentation at the Little Theatre in Rhyl last Saturday. My main source of guidance is your excellent You Tube presentation which I have found invaluable.

Lawrence D.

Hello Simon,
You probably receive quite a few appreciative emails - I would just like to add mine.
Thank you for taking the time, energy and cost to travel to North Wales (Rhyl) yesterday, (Sat 17.7.15). I hope your return journey was pleasant and without incident!
In three years of personal research and employment of what I have learned, that was the first time I have actually met someone whom I avidly watch and learn from. I'm also appreciative as I feel that our remote part of the country (as I see it) has now been put on the map so to speak with your visit. We (people of like mind here in N/Wales) have viewed all the information presented from a distance and quite genuinely feel included now.
I learned much from your seminar and will continue to follow your endeavours.
Much respect

Tim B.

Si, Great to be with you and the bunnies as always. Lots of love

General Goodshafting

Hi Spaniard!
Just to update you. Santander and Eversheds have backed off - great news considering I haven't paid a penny towards my mortgage since Feb 2014.
The many issues I've raised with them have been ignored and Eversheds have made threats but have now put the matter back with Santander.... Until they answer my question/issues no payments or agreements will be in place!!!

Thank you!

With regards,
Patrick G.

hi si

many thanks for the invite and the chance to meet some incredible highly informed people, both george and myself had a great experience and considering we have only really been learning a short time listening to you and the other speakers is certainly a fast track way to getting up to speed on all this.
i did nearly get tempted to get up on the mike at one point although its not something i have done before, if you do end up doing another event at some point i'll have to get me bollox pulled up and crack on. i think with a bit of prep i should be ok.
we really do appreciate the work that your doing and the inspiration you give to others, if there is ever anything we can do for you please don't hesitate to ask.
hope to speak soon.
all the best 
dan and georgina

Good morning Si,

Glad you're alive and well! Much respect as always to you for the knowledge you have given me over the last few years. The stuff I have learnt from you has really changed my life and given me confidence to take on various challenges.  


it's sooo funny, have watched the cameo about 15 times and it's still cracking me up... just sent it to my mate... who also sees stupid people everywhere and is always moaning about it to me.... she cracked up too...lol take best of care ;)

Sophie G

She is referring to this video> I'm on the Wrong Planet Get me Outta Here

Hi Simon, It was a BRILLIANT day of enlightenment and reinforcing the belief....love your energy and outlook at it all...

Terry A.

Well done Simon for these great bite size chunks samples!.. P.S i've been lurking around this stuff for years and the direction you are taking this all with you & your cash is pure genius! At last people with direction, tenacity, drive and purpose around a cause that has surely met its day!!!


Hi. Just to say big thanks. I spend alot less time on the net than I used to. I watched lots of your videos probably about 4 or 5 years ago which I found amazingly inspiring when I was tackling debts and notices etc... Grateful to still have a link to yr knowledge... and the reminders of work to do πŸ™‚ Big thank you

Karin L.

“Hola Si, Success! Within a day, by phone calling da Banksters to claw-back DDG’s, we have had a COMPLETE AND UTTER SUCCESS in that all DDG’s, incl all back-dated charges, have been deposited back into our account in full! The Banksters are Nat-West, phone call around 4pm Tues, Weds funds in!

A very good result indeed, this stuff really works, we are really impressed, delirious and thank you so much Si. Muchas Gracias!

Steve M.

“Hi there, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your posts and videos regarding bank fraud. Today my husband and I had our possession order struck out of the Circuit Court in Dublin Ireland. We watched your you tube videos, which started us on a long road of research and self education. Today all the hard work and study paid off.

Thank you for opening our eyes and encouraging us to stand up and be counted. Forever your friend”

Linda K.

“The claw back is genius. TV licence got humped by me for almost 1900 quid. When the bank asks you what is incorrect/wrong tell them only that it is wrong and nothing else. They will tell you they need to know what is wrong but insist that it is between you and TV licence.

Tvl can’t do anything but ask you for it back. I clawed it back because I have never needed a license.”

Brian V.

“We have followed ur advice over the past couple of years. Over £11k returned from doing own ppi and suing junk mail demons, and comp for general poor services thx ”

Tiffany P.

“Due to you, we reclaimed over 18k back from our mortgage. We thank you.”

Owen M.

“I’ve got to say simon, love your stuff, and with some top tips from you, i wrote off 12 grand credit cards, not that i wanted to, it was just their attitude towards me”

Andy E.

“Hi Simon, would love to attend but I work as a Chef full time and this weekend is going to be very busy for us. Love the work YAYC you are putting out – I am reciprocating and sharing as much as I can through social networks and word of mouth.

Keep up the good work and hopefully one day we will catch up with each other. Look forward to future presentations and good luck this weekend. Massive Love”

Kevin B.

“Si, I’ve been watching your stuff for a few years now, and I have thoroughly enjoyed your presentations, and have been made aware of an enormous amount of ‘hidden’ knowledge of law and finances. I guess you would call me a fan of yours 

As for YouAndYourCash.Com, well it’s another awesome production. Fantastic information, particularly for the newbies. In typical plain language, you are ‘hitting the nail on the head’. Looking forward to future presentations. Cheers”

Gary M. Adelaide, Australia

“hey si, Look after yourself man and remember you’ve ploughed the furrow and set the standard and total respect to you. You’re job doesn’t have to be done but you’ve done a mighty fine job even if you did nothing else. There is apathy but also take solace that a lot of us have strength because of you.

Also remember a lot of youth have switched away and think free anyway. My chance meeting with you transformed my life and I will knuckle drag the message around till I expire.”

Nick P.

“thank you for all your information, you have no idea how much it is appreciated”

JJ Murphy

“What you are doing is indescribably fantastic”

Terry S.

“I’d give you guys a medal if I could, peace bro.”

James T.

“Hello Mate, Keep up the good work man… I’m sure you’re making a difference, and it’s not going to be long before your work becomes mainstream social media news (despite the attempted censorship!) What a legacy…”

Rob P.

“Cheers for now mate. I’ve shared that video and everyone who’s watched it is says they are amazed that this is how mortgages are and all of them want to know how we get on with it. I reckon they want to try it themselves!! Sent it to my son in Cayman and he said ‘f**k me, what a super smart guy’!!”

Paul T.

“I’m glad there are people like yourself who are helping people like me, all we need to sort out now is how you get a fair share for your work…. Excellent work Brother, I have total confidence in you and what you are doing. Peace.”

Sean G.

“Hi Simon. I am watching your latest video. Incredible !!!!! I have just sent the video to L B C. I was unable to send the link. The format didn’t allow it. However I sent the title, and asked them to watch. I really admire what you are doing. I just wish I lived nearer. My best to you.

Frank S.

“Hi Spaniardo​, I'm a big fan, been telling everyone i know about you but sometimes – horses and water? Yea please send me your newsletter. I don’t have a mortgage so don’t worry about that bit. I’m a ex South African Scotsman 

P.S if you ever need a floor to crash on for the night in Glasgow just don’t hesitate to ask.“ 

Ian E.

“Hi. I would like to congratulate you on trying to bring awareness to the people of the underhand tricks and ways our government and bankers etc are fleecing us sheep of our money and rights. I am new to all these shenanigans and goings on. Chip away at the foundations and the building will fall.”

Paul S.

“Thank you!!!!! I will let you know how it all turns out. I know God has really blessed you to help the people. I believe in you!”

Keenya W., USA

“I've been following your stuff on youtube since 2013. I implemented the knowledge and started to get some returns. My largest one so far is £5000.00 against barclays insurance. A lot of £50 victories ……..”

Charles B.

“Hi Simon, It was a BRILLIANT day of enlightenment and reinforcing the belief….love your energy and outlook at it all”

Terry A.

“Hello all, and thanks so very much for all the hard work. It’s made a huge difference for me. Last week did 2 direct debit claw backs, cash came through instantly. One of the companies was a debt collection agency. Both sums are considerable. Not heard any response from them. We’ll see what occurs.”

Stef O.

“Hi, just watched this slot you did on solicitors, SRA. Fantastic, laughing my head off as you got the guy on edge… Rings very true to a situation i have a while back….could not get any where, law unto themselves…..nothing ever happens. But good coverage. Paul”


“Dear Simon, We have been watching your videos for sometime and are really impressed by the amount of information you are letting the public learn. We think you are a great, honest human being and a ‘hero’ for many people. You are a very intelligent and brave man too. Keep up the good work.”



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